Have you ever wondered what kind of job you want when you grow up? Of course you have in some point in your life. I have, and I know I'm only twelve but twelve year olds should be able to work too, not just adults. Usually I don't know what I want to be though, so I think of things that I enjoy and see what kind of job I can have. Finally I have thought of something that I can do for a living in the future. It's working at a dog day care center! This might sound a little weird that I might want to be working at a dog day care center but I love dogs! I love all kinds of dogs except for the hairless because they creep me out and the really hairy because it's like they are hiding in a bunch of hair. Also I don't like feisty or viscous dogs either. Playful and cute dogs are the best!
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If you do please tell me what it is and why you would like to be that. Also leave me feedback on how I did in this blog post. Was it fantastic? Good? Okay? Or just horrible? Good bye now! :)